Monday, July 6, 2015

Composting Toilets

  Composting toilets present humans with a great opportunity to create a closed loop cycle, to return the nutrients to the earth, reduce the amount of resources used and to minimize the waste they produce. Fitting a home with a waterless toilet not only shrinks your carbon footprint but it produces highly fertile manure that can be used on non-edible plants, fruit trees and shrubs. There are many options when choosing the system that best fits one needs, after taking all of one's needs into account it's easy to find the most compatible system for your household.

  Some models can be simple as squatting over a 5 gallon bucket, while others can get complex and include urine catchments, on site composting piles, mobile structures and manufactured, code compliant units which can be installed in one's house. In my presentation I will go over the different system models, explain how they work, the benefits of using them and also give an example of my favorite type of system.

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