Thursday, July 31, 2014

Oven - Construction of dome and thermal layer

A bamboo stick (16 inches) was placed to represent the height of the sand form. Wet sand was formed into a dome shape to assist with the shaping of the oven. the sand will be removed after it has dried a bit.

a poor angle but this is the entrance to the oven as you can see BEHIND is the wet sand dome formed and almost ready to build the thermal layer.

A plastic tarp was placed over the entire sand dome which would allow us to know when to stop when digging out the sand after the dome has dried. Thermal mass balls were layer down in a single layer ring and worked together to be 4 inches wide. The thermal mass consisted of  1 Felton Sand : 1 Aggregate : 1 Clay (site soil). 

The technique used to mold the layers together was a TWO handed technique avoiding pressure down onto the lower layers to do this it was advised to push into one hand with the other away from the dome. Also avoid patting and utilize pushing and molding with your fingers.You must also angle the layer perpendicular to the dome NOT the floor this was corrected using our 4inch bamboo "correction" sticks.

The perpendicular angle to the dome is much more obvious in this photo.
and we are almost done with our first layer!
Booya! our thermal layer is complete, the shape looks pretty good. next will be our insulation layer.

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