Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bamboo processing and weaving

Bamboo processing:
Harvesting and cleaning bamboo are not so hard as we had seen from our experiences in this class. Making bamboo strips suitable for weaving requires further processing and patience. A comprehensive guide on each steps of processing the raw material into usable strips for weaving:
A shorter outline of the process from harvesting to weaving can be found at:
Japanese weavers have a tool called the habatori to measure a uniform thickness and width of the bamboo strips whereas in South Africa there are the round modification knife, straight modification knife and radian knife.

Weaving patterns
An overview guide on processing bamboo and weaving simple patterns are at:

I really love the style of Japanese bamboo weaving styles that are passed down through generations. Generally, there are eight weaving patterns including "Yotsume ami", "Mutsume ami", "Yatsume ami", "Ajiro ami", "Gozame ami", "Matsuba ami", "Kikuzoko ami" and "Rinko ami" as seen below.


There are more than 200 combinations made using these patterns.

Excellent and expensive book on Japanese weaving patterns:
Video series on many famous Japanese weavers with inspiring work and many aspects of bamboo weaving:
Video on weaving a hexagonal pattern:
Video on weaving a chrysanthemum bottom pattern with blackberry vines:

Another unexpected and common weaving material is the Japanese honeysuckle vine, which I might use to try out these patterns. This blog offers instructions on how to process this kind of vine for weaving:


  1. Nice blog with sincerity goal.....thank you verymuch

  2. Nice blog with sincerity goal.....thank you verymuch

  3. Thanks for sharing this useful information.
    AAKASH is a leading bamboo biomass Renewable Enernergy Company In South Africain producing bamboo and
    creating sustainable & renewable energy from it While seeking and advocating renewable Energy in a cost effective manner.
